1.6.1-alpha (inprogress)

Likely the last update as “csvkitcat” before moving to csvmedkit

  • csvwhere

  • csvsed, csvrgrep
    • revamped required arguments and additional expressions

  • csvsed

    • –like-grep now only filters by the first (required) expression, as chaining additional expressions likely results in a too-small result set for most use cases

  • csvchart: killed, moved to csvviz library


  • changed various flags for many of the tools

  • added --version flag

  • cleaned up internals and csvkit inheritance

  • [NOT YET FIXED] csvsed is fixed


  • csvrgrep: like csvgrep, but designed for when you want to concisely do a lot of regex filtering over a combination of columns

  • csvsed: reworking its internals. Still being worked on, but current tests pass


  • the regex module seems to be very slow (e.g. csvsed), so it’s been replaced with standard re in all tools except csvnorm. Hopefully that’s ok!


csvgroupby: for doing the equivalent of SQL GROUP BY [columns]


csvpivot: Pivot a table on rows and columns (TK better label)


csvflatten tweaked: - If a value contains newlines, then csvflatten will print newlines/rows; this is independent of whether the chop-length has been set.


csvcount has been overhauled:

  • Basic functionality returns not just number of rows, but cells, empty rows+cells, and blank lines

  • Restrict columns to search with``-c/–column``


  • csvxfind: Findall regex matches in [COLUMN] and group concat them into a new column


  • csvxcap: Extract captured group patterns from one column and create new columns


  • csvxplit: create n new columns based on splitting a [COLUMN] by [PATTERN]


  • csvnorm: renamed and refactored from csvsqueeze

    • csvnorm -C/–change-case for converting values to all upper or lower


Basic functionality and testing for these tools: